此規則需要 類型資訊 才能執行。
- 是指
- 基元類型 (
或列舉)、 - 函式簽章類型、
- 其元素類型視為唯讀的唯讀陣列類型。
- 其元素都被視為唯讀的唯讀組類型。
module.exports = {
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly-parameter-types": "error"
在試驗場試用此規則 ↗
- ❌ 錯誤
- ✅ 正確
function array1(arg: string[]) {} // array is not readonly
function array2(arg: readonly string[][]) {} // array element is not readonly
function array3(arg: [string, number]) {} // tuple is not readonly
function array4(arg: readonly [string[], number]) {} // tuple element is not readonly
// the above examples work the same if you use ReadonlyArray<T> instead
function object1(arg: { prop: string }) {} // property is not readonly
function object2(arg: { readonly prop: string; prop2: string }) {} // not all properties are readonly
function object3(arg: { readonly prop: { prop2: string } }) {} // nested property is not readonly
// the above examples work the same if you use Readonly<T> instead
interface CustomArrayType extends ReadonlyArray<string> {
prop: string; // note: this property is mutable
function custom1(arg: CustomArrayType) {}
interface CustomFunction {
(): void;
prop: string; // note: this property is mutable
function custom2(arg: CustomFunction) {}
function union(arg: string[] | ReadonlyArray<number[]>) {} // not all types are readonly
// rule also checks function types
interface Foo {
(arg: string[]): void;
interface Foo {
new (arg: string[]): void;
const x = { foo(arg: string[]): void {} };
function foo(arg: string[]);
type Foo = (arg: string[]) => void;
interface Foo {
foo(arg: string[]): void;
在試驗場開啟function array1(arg: readonly string[]) {}
function array2(arg: readonly (readonly string[])[]) {}
function array3(arg: readonly [string, number]) {}
function array4(arg: readonly [readonly string[], number]) {}
// the above examples work the same if you use ReadonlyArray<T> instead
function object1(arg: { readonly prop: string }) {}
function object2(arg: { readonly prop: string; readonly prop2: string }) {}
function object3(arg: { readonly prop: { readonly prop2: string } }) {}
// the above examples work the same if you use Readonly<T> instead
interface CustomArrayType extends ReadonlyArray<string> {
readonly prop: string;
function custom1(arg: Readonly<CustomArrayType>) {}
// interfaces that extend the array types are not considered arrays, and thus must be made readonly.
interface CustomFunction {
(): void;
readonly prop: string;
function custom2(arg: CustomFunction) {}
function union(arg: readonly string[] | ReadonlyArray<number>) {}
function primitive1(arg: string) {}
function primitive2(arg: number) {}
function primitive3(arg: boolean) {}
function primitive4(arg: unknown) {}
function primitive5(arg: null) {}
function primitive6(arg: undefined) {}
function primitive7(arg: any) {}
function primitive8(arg: never) {}
function primitive9(arg: string | number | undefined) {}
function fnSig(arg: () => void) {}
enum Foo {
function enumArg(arg: Foo) {}
function symb1(arg: symbol) {}
const customSymbol = Symbol('a');
function symb2(arg: typeof customSymbol) {}
// function types
interface Foo {
(arg: readonly string[]): void;
interface Foo {
new (arg: readonly string[]): void;
const x = { foo(arg: readonly string[]): void {} };
function foo(arg: readonly string[]);
type Foo = (arg: readonly string[]) => void;
interface Foo {
foo(arg: readonly string[]): void;
type Options = [
allow?: (
| {
from: 'file';
name: [string, ...string[]] | string;
path?: string;
| {
from: 'lib';
name: [string, ...string[]] | string;
| {
from: 'package';
name: [string, ...string[]] | string;
package: string;
| string
checkParameterProperties?: boolean;
ignoreInferredTypes?: boolean;
treatMethodsAsReadonly?: boolean;
const defaultOptions: Options = [
allow: [],
checkParameterProperties: true,
ignoreInferredTypes: false,
treatMethodsAsReadonly: false,
有些複雜類型無法輕易設定為唯讀,例如來自 @types/jquery
的 HTMLElement
類型或 JQueryStatic
- 定義在檔案中的類型(
{ from: "file", name: "Foo", path: "src/foo-file.ts" }
為相對於專案根目錄的選用路徑) - 預設程式庫中的類型(
{ from: "lib", name: "Foo" }
) - 封裝中的類型(
{ from: "package", name: "Foo", package: "foo-lib" }
"allow": [
{ "from": "file", "name": "Foo" },
{ "from": "lib", "name": "HTMLElement" },
{ "from": "package", "name": "Bar", "package": "bar-lib" }
- ❌ 錯誤
- ✅ 正確
interface ThisIsMutable {
prop: string;
interface Wrapper {
sub: ThisIsMutable;
interface WrapperWithOther {
readonly sub: Foo;
otherProp: string;
// Incorrect because ThisIsMutable is not readonly
function fn1(arg: ThisIsMutable) {}
// Incorrect because Wrapper.sub is not readonly
function fn2(arg: Wrapper) {}
// Incorrect because WrapperWithOther.otherProp is not readonly and not in the allowlist
function fn3(arg: WrapperWithOther) {}
在試驗場開啟import { Foo } from 'some-lib';
import { Bar } from 'incorrect-lib';
interface HTMLElement {
prop: string;
// Incorrect because Foo is not a local type
function fn1(arg: Foo) {}
// Incorrect because HTMLElement is not from the default library
function fn2(arg: HTMLElement) {}
// Incorrect because Bar is not from "bar-lib"
function fn3(arg: Bar) {}
在試驗場開啟interface Foo {
prop: string;
interface Wrapper {
readonly sub: Foo;
readonly otherProp: string;
// Works because Foo is allowed
function fn1(arg: Foo) {}
// Works even when Foo is nested somewhere in the type, with other properties still being checked
function fn2(arg: Wrapper) {}
在試驗場開啟import { Bar } from 'bar-lib';
interface Foo {
prop: string;
// Works because Foo is a local type
function fn1(arg: Foo) {}
// Works because HTMLElement is from the default library
function fn2(arg: HTMLElement) {}
// Works because Bar is from "bar-lib"
function fn3(arg: Bar) {}
在試驗場開啟import { Foo } from './foo';
// Works because Foo is still a local type - it has to be in the same package
function fn(arg: Foo) {}
此規則的程式碼範例,搭配 {checkParameterProperties: true}
- ❌ 錯誤
- ✅ 正確
此規則的**正確**程式碼範例,搭配 {checkParameterProperties: false}
class Foo {
private paramProp1: string[],
private paramProp2: readonly string[],
) {}
此規則的程式碼範例,搭配 {ignoreInferredTypes: true}
- ❌ 錯誤
- ✅ 正確
import { acceptsCallback, CallbackOptions } from 'external-dependency';
acceptsCallback((options: CallbackOptions) => {});
export interface CallbackOptions {
prop: string;
type Callback = (options: CallbackOptions) => void;
type AcceptsCallback = (callback: Callback) => void;
export const acceptsCallback: AcceptsCallback;
import { acceptsCallback } from 'external-dependency';
acceptsCallback(options => {});
export interface CallbackOptions {
prop: string;
type Callback = (options: CallbackOptions) => void;
type AcceptsCallback = (callback: Callback) => void;
export const acceptsCallback: AcceptsCallback;
此規則的程式碼範例,搭配 {treatMethodsAsReadonly: false}
- ❌ 錯誤
- ✅ 正確
type MyType = {
readonly prop: string;
method(): string; // note: this method is mutable
function foo(arg: MyType) {}
在試驗場開啟type MyType = Readonly<{
prop: string;
method(): string;
function foo(arg: MyType) {}
type MyOtherType = {
readonly prop: string;
readonly method: () => string;
function bar(arg: MyOtherType) {}
在試驗場開啟此規則的**正確**程式碼範例,搭配 {treatMethodsAsReadonly: true}
type MyType = {
readonly prop: string;
method(): string; // note: this method is mutable
function foo(arg: MyType) {}
此規則對於它視為可變的內容非常嚴格。許多宣告為 readonly 的類型皆視為可變,因為它們具有可變的屬性,例如陣列或組。若要解決這些限制,您可能需要使用該規則的選項。特別是,allow
選項 可以明確地將類型標記為 readonly。
類型檢查程式比傳統程式碼品質檢查更為強大,但類型檢查程式碼品質也需要設定 類型檢查程式碼品質。如果在啟用類型檢查規則後遇到效能下降問題,請參閱 效能問題解決。